I’ve been a writer, blogger, and software developer for over 30 years now. Over the years I’ve developed a number of hobby websites and blogs in my basement over the years. Here is a summary.

Matt’s Top 100 – this site started as a digital version of a top 100 music countdown which I remember from my youth. The site has evolved into a collection of music and other entertaining Youtube videos along with my song of the week that appears on Facebook.
Site: http://matts-top-100.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mattstop100/

The Political Football – This site and its companion Facebook page is a place for political commentary. Yes, I’m a liberal in case you were wondering. Since we live in such polarizing times, The Political Football is evolving into a collection of original and shared content to add my voice to our struggle for a healthy democracy.
Site: https://thepoliticalfootball.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Political-Football-326119941123149/

My Moral Compass – With now over 50 topics, My Moral Compass examines historical events through the perspective of morals and ethics, or the moral compass. I began writing these little vignettes in 2010 and the site has been live since 2012. I offer these articles as a free educational resource for teachers to use in their classes.
Site: http://my-moral-compass.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MyMoralCompass/

Matts Red Sox Site and Baseball Simulation – If music, or politics, or morals are not your thing, maybe baseball is. This is my oldest site that began in 2001. I haven’t done much work on this site recently but its still up.
Site: http://osber.net

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